Ideal Standard

Ideal Standard is one of the most globally recognised brands in the bathroom industry being present in both residential and commercial properties alike, serving 60 countries worldwide predominantly in Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Operating a trademarked customer journey called Singular, the brand aims to create and design products that can be paired across ranges seamlessly to create the perfect bathroom space without having to look at alternative suppliers. It also places a high focus on innovation and performance, looking at comfort, safety, hygiene and longevity for complete peace of mind and assurance of quality.

The brand itself originates from the late 19th century with the American Radiator Company but it wasn't until 1961 that Ideal Standard as a brand appeared, following the merger of Standard Sanitary and the America Radiator Co to form what is known as American Standard. This was sold in 2007 to a private investment firm, Bain Capital, to form Ideal Standard International, the company that exists today.

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