Tall Mirrored Bathroom Cabinets
If making use of every surface to its maximum capability is a big factor, then a Tall Mirrored Bathroom Cabinet - or mirrored storage column - is a fantastic addition. Usually wall-mounted, they provide a floating appearance and use the vertical height of the room, freeing up floor space as well as reducing width. Due to the tall height and nature of the unit, it means they are a superb piece for storing much more than accessories and bottles, such as towels and linen as well with separate shelves inside units for separating items.
The mirrored front allows for light to be directed around the room to provide a brighter, more airy appearance, while offering the practicality of being able to do daily make-up & beauty, hygiene, and even outfit routines. Take a look at the full range of tall bathroom cabinets with mirrors below.